by Waves
by Displacement
Waves are used for smooth prairie, desert or waters.
More hollowed shapes can be used to carve steep descent into canyon and even natural tunnels.
They are easy to build and light to use,
but need a smart and accurate tiling
Displacements came from HEIGHTMAPS, that means Map of Heights of naturals (Mountains, Craters, Valleys, Rivers, Caverns) or artificial (a road, a F1 Track, a Canal)
But while Waves are light, displacements are not, because he need at least a 256x256 tesselations,
and a smart-tiling that can be a little bit more complicated.
How to make a Wave Object
- create a plane
- add Sine modifiers
- create UVMap x 2 channels
- export as fbx
- export tga for icon
- NadeoImporter
- create a plane
- tesselate it at 256x256
- add a displacement map
- ceate UVMAP x 1 channel
- SMART-TILE as described by janculit HERE
- Save UV and copy on channel 2
- conform channels with Material and LightMap naming
- conform material with _TDNS_texture_terrain naming convention
- export as fbx
- Nadeoimporter
Texturing for MOBJects is based on Tiling the UV Maps
The Texture must be SEAMLESS, means that there is not PATTERNIZATION or MOIREE effects.
- choose an Original and square it to 2048 or 4096
- save as PNG
- Import as Material in 3dModelerand and set to object as texture
- Fold and Tile the UV Map at least 4 times
- export the object as usual
- compressonated the PNG to the 3 basic dds format: _D_N_S
Once you have ObjectInfo.Gbx and Texture folder ready,
you must prepare
- the tga in the Icon folder
- the Pivots files.xml
- Then use Nadeoimporter to create the object
- .max o .blender file
- .fbx
- .Objext.Info.Gbx
- .png original texture used in 3d modeler
- .dds versions
- .xml for pivots
- .tga 64x64 icon
- .jpg of the object
- .png of your logo
- .author text your mail for paternity